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You know the ones.

Those brands who clog up your timeline.

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We all laugh at their incompetence. We ridicule them. We despise them. Maybe even pity them. How could they be so clueless? They just don’t ‘get’ it.

We want to be inspired by truly social brands. The thought leaders. Those that understand it’s value, it’s potential. Brands like…? LIKE Paddy Power!

Paddy Power are one of the superheroes of social media. They know what makes a good story. They know how to utilise this medium to disrupt the status quo and leave a generation of marketers drooling at their genius.

During their presentation at the Adobe Summit today, Johnny Devitt (Head of Social & Display Media and Marketing Technology at Paddy Power) said, “People are opting in to your marketing message when they like your page. Don’t mess that up”. And possibly one of my most favourite soundbites:

Sell a little. Engage a LOT


GENIUS! Moving, even. A philosophy that we can all stand behind…


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