Traditional news media is extinct. Long live social!

Dead Dinosaur

Today, once again, social media proved itself to be the evolutionary superior of news when it scooped traditional outlets to the story of the Qatar Airways plane being escorted into Manchester airport by RAF fighter jets.

The story, which broke on social media…

Although let’s be honest, we’re talking about Twitter here as nobody ever found a story that was anywhere near ‘breaking’ on their Facebook feed…

The story, which broke on Twitter first by people who were actually ON THE PLANE, scooped the lumbering Brontosaurus like BBC by actual minutes. Clearly the time has come for these media dinosaurs to realise their extinction level event is upon them, and the in-depth investigations into corruption and their insistence on fact-checking has put them at a disadvantage in our brave new journalistic world.

Hello world!

No longer will we keep calm and carry on surrendering to the messages of the past. What we need is a new proclamation that speaks to the future. Stay Happy And Don’t Die!