Lies, damned lies, and real-time statistics.

What with their being an election on and all, you’d think that reporting in the media would be more realistic… oh, wait. Scratch that. What I meant to say was infuriatingly biased and incorrect.

Many people, myself included, feel that one of the decisive battles in this election will be fought within the social networks and a recent research report by ‘An Award-Winning PR and Social Media Consultancy’ has got me brow-furrowingly angry.

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Not 10. Not 5. There's only 1 sign you spend too much time on Twitter.

So, in a lazy attempt to score some laughs, David Letterman has described his Top 10 signs you spend too much time on Twitter.

It’s easy to knock something, take the ‘anti’ side and write some cheap, controversial headlines. There’s been quite a lot of this happening within the Twitter community itself lately, so it’s easy to see why a celebrity comedian would jump on board.

I, however, think that there is only ONE sign you’ve been spending too much time on Twitter and I’d like to share it with you now. Unfortunately it’s more than 140 characters, but it’s not always possible to appreciate something from just a single Tweet.

The ONLY sign that you spend too much time on Twitter is:

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We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

I’ve noticed lately that there has been a distressing increase in the level of negativity within the Twitterverse and feel compelled to comment in more than 140 characters.

The amazing power of Twitter has been revealed to me numerous times over the past year and a bit. I have won tickets to see screenings of Jaws at the London Aquarium, jars of super tangy Marmite XO and even found myself a new job, but the most amazing thing of all was made very clear to me last Friday.

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#LikeMinds and Kind Hearts

After hearing all of the positive stories from the @drewellis and @scottgould masterminded LikeMinds 2009, I knew that the 2010 event was going to be something special. Unfortunately I also knew that I would simply not be able to justify the cost. Certainly not because of the amazingly low ticket price, but once you added in travel, food and accommodation it was beyond my current empty pockets, and this was my innocuous reply to a tweet from @lesanto asking me if I was attending.

What happened next was both astonishing and affecting.

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You're gonna need a bigger BUZZ!

Google vs. Twitter

So Google have finally dived head-first into the social networking pool and created… well, quite a BUZZ!

Obviously it’s still early days, but that never stopped anyone having an opinion before so here goes. Whatever happened to the Google we all knew and loved? You know, the one that was obsessed with simplicity and clean interfaces. I thought Wave was bad enough, but now along comes Buzz to add even more clutter to my toolbars.

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